1). Somehow, September 1st never registered in my mental calendar...nor did the 2nd or the 3rd or the 8th...and now i owe my apartment complex the monetary equivalent of a business class plane ticket to a remote, exotic country. And trust me, I'd much rather be spending the money on just that. How ironic that I come to find out that I'm to incur such a huge dent in my pocket the day that we have an entire evening of presentations pertaining to money management in medical school. That's it. I'm definitely going to die poor and alone.
2). I did HORRIBLY on a surgery quiz today...and this is the field I want to go into?!?! Sometimes I wonder why I get such a sick pleasure out of chasing the things that are always going to be just a bit out of reach for me. People, situations, you name it. I embody the psychiatric diagnosis of Narcissism; always thinking I deserve the best of the best and then beating myself up when I fall short. The self-worthlessness has been propagated by a wave of negative energy that hit yesterday when I realized that though I may feel like most of the time i have it completely together, the reality is I don't and I won't for a long time. Which wouldn't be disconcerting if I hadn't started to take note recently of the people who are doing the things and being the people that I think I want and want to be.
3). I'm still reeling from the guilt generated by almost killing Captain Ruffles after I left him alone in Daytona for 5 days while I traipsed about Florida. He managed to knock over his food dish at some point and was near death by starvation when I returned on Tuesday.
So moral of the post is: I'm hoping I've exhausted my streak of bad luck?? What a miserable week. Morale is low and for once I have absolutely nothing to look forward to in the near future. Wondering how I'll make it through this one....We've now reached the point where I'm pathetically going to sit back and wait for the comfort from the ones I love to arrive. Come quickly! I need you tonight... :*(

Wow, I had no idea! I thought you had it all together. Being that you are a health nut, you will probably live another 80 years so you have plenty of time to accomplish what you want and become who you want to be.