2 quotes that I encountered this weekend that reduced me to tears of laughter. I couldn't have expressed the sentiments better myself!
"The next time an ex tells you 'You will never find anyone like me'....your response should be 'God I should hope not!'"
And posted on the fridge in my bariatric surgery office suite: "Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels"
-I am going to staple this one to my forehead lest I forget...
I am back home for the weekend, exploring the 'forests' of Deer Creek with baby-cat, stuffing my face with totally unhealthy bengali food, trying to choreograph a ridiculous Bharatanatyam fusion piece that I have to perform in 12 days, having side-splittingly hilarious gossip sessions with mother dearest and hopefully tomorrow will be preparing the presentation I have to give on congestive heart failure. And also preparing for a fruit detox that is to take place this week. Now that we've returned from a slew of Indian parties throughout the day, it's upstairs to the theater room to watch a Hindi movie. Never a dull moment <3 Blessed are the packed days, I love the feeling of being rushed along. I'd like to think all this is just a time pass til I get to the next Big Moment. No idea what it's going to entail this time but I have an uncanny feeling I'm heading towards something good...So I'll keep barreling forward at light speed; ironic though, considering that 3E8 m/s just may be the only constant in my life for the moment ;)
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