After an absolutely phenomenal weekend in New York it was of course necessary that I be assailed with every problem possible as soon I set foot in the airport. Once again battling the forces of nature, I boarded my flight from Laguardia to Charlotte with 10 minutes to catch my connecting flight to Daytona. I think my rapid fire succession of trips for the past couple months has cultivated a whole new level of patience and calm within me when traveling. Instead of frantically trying to rebook my flights and arrange for rental cars to drive from some far removed airport so I could scramble back to work in time I resorted to just sitting and breathing while the crowds panicked around me. I slowly heard almost every single flight leaving New York being cancelled but some force of airport authority divinity decided that 10 minutes was enough time for one to run from one end of Charlotte's airport to the other to make the Daytona flight and so, I boarded my plane and sat. Of course there was no overhead luggage space so I had to wrangle with disconcerted passengers and irritated flight stewards to stow my carry-on a good 10 rows behind me. And of course while the plane was taxiing we were informed that LGA had once again put a hold on take-offs and we were to be stranded on the runway for at least another good 30 minutes. Even at this point I resisted the urge to whip out my phone and start figuring out which nearest airport I could be rebooked on and where I could attain a rental car from. It was just as well because I hadn't charged my cell phone the night before and so my phone was as good as dead by this point any way. Needless to say, my passive-aggressive attitude prevailed in the end: Upon landing, i used my last 5 minutes of battery life to call the US Airways travel status line, found out my Daytona flight had been again delayed and that I still had said 10 minutes to try to catch the flight. By some force of benevolence from above, I managed to have my suitcase passed down the 10 rows to where I was sitting, made it off the plane, and RAN. Even when running a race I dont think I have ever bolted so impressively. Heels clamoring, sweat breaking and with the blessed coffee I had the genius to order on the plane running through my veins I hightailed it like a banshee through the airport and got to the gate just as they were shutting down the gangway.
And of course, the fun didn't stop there. Upon arrival in Daytona Beach at 10pm, I arrive at my car only to find that it refused to start. After grappling with the mechanical forces that be I miraculously was able to get the engine going, only to find that one of the headlights had burned out. At this point I gave up, drove home, and hoped that the world would be righted when I woke the next morning.
And of course, when I got up at 6am to go to my first day of work (which is a 40 min drive away, in the middle of the woods and with a new doctor) I found my car wouldn't start. AGAIN. No worries; I somehow performed the same miracle I had the night before and was off. I thought the day was beginning to turn around when I found the new office without any problems and even saw a beautiful deer running next to my car at the wee hour of 6:45am as I pulled up to my new office. But within the next 5 minutes there was to be more disheartening news. My new doctor is a robust Cuban with a penchant for work. His exuberance dictates that I arrive every day at 7:15am. And said new doctor is so passionate about his patients that he demands that we see patients until 7:30pm every evening. which, when added to my drive back home insinuates that I wont be ending my days until 8pm every day. I suppose I wouldn't be complaining as much had i actually liked family medicine. This is probably the last field on earth I would ever go into and so devoting so much of my time to something I dont care for is just a horrific thought.
But after 3pm, somehow, the patients stopped showing up and so I was free to leave! And where did I go? straight to the BMW dealership to have my car checked out. Again, thinking this would be an easily accomplishable feat, i am about to set off for the dealership and once again my car won't start. Finally I get it going and get to BMW just minutes before it closes. I am convinced by the mechanic that I have to leave my car overnight for further inspection. I assume that won't be a problem because I can just get a BMW loaner in the meantime, god bless luxury vehicles!....and then I find out that this BMW dealership is denying me a loaner because I didn't buy my car from them...so I am rushed over to an adjacent Enterprise 5 minutes before they close to PAY by DAY for one of their rental cars. I am now indefinitely driving a white Ford Focus. Why indefinitely you ask? Because even though my car will most likely be healed by tomorrow, I will be in Palm Coast working the emergency walk-in clinic until 8pm every night this week. I hate to be cliched but all I have left to say is: FML.
ur entire life can be made into a riveting series babe.
ReplyDeleteKeep writing. Seriously.
haha i appreciate that hun! i need to write if for no other fact than i just may explode if i try to keep the chaos confined to my mind...lol!