This was by far one of the worst Mondays in a while...After breaking Baby-Cat's heart last night, I was finally able to wrestle away Captain Ruffles and Mr. Fishy #5 and whisk them away to Daytona. BC had been lax with her schoolwork as of late and since 3rd grade is no joke, Mommy decided a fit punishment would be to estrange her from her pets until she can get her act together. And so I arrived back in Daytona at 11pm last night with albino parakeet and beta fish in tow. Both were settling in well, or so I thought, until arriving back at home this evening. While showing a friend who stopped by to see my new pets, he questioned why Mr. Fishy #5 was buried beneath the stones and aquatic plants in his bowl...Turns out Mr. Fishy didn't stomach the ride back home so well last night and subsequently dug himself a grave and DIED at some point today while I was at work :( Tomorrow I will have to arrange for his burial. I probably will toss his carcass into the lake behind our apartment. Somehow, it seems more fitting to have his remains eaten by other fish than have him disgracefully decompose in human poop. RIP poor Mr. Fishy, you were thus far one of my favorites and I doubt if I'll have the heart to continue with the endeavor of fish-rearing with any other after you.

The fiasco of Mr. Fishy only added insult to the injury that was incurred early in the day. I found out while getting ready for work this morning that somewhere between Friday morning and Monday morning I apparently managed to have consumed a small child's weight in food...8lbs?!?!? I don't think it's even physiologically possible to gain that much weight in 4 days but somehow, I managed to perform such a miracle. In response, I've decided to go on a 3 day Fruit Detox Diet. I had planned to do this detox next weekend but subconsciously I must have known some calamity was coming sooner because I had bought $45 worth of raw fruits last night on my way home. Armed with ammo for the week, I managed to survive today but I'm interested to see what will unfold in the next few days. If it's anything like my Raw Foods Diet I attempted with the inception of the Freedom for Foodie blog, I'm curious as to what emotions and passions will be invoked this round....this should be good..
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